
Wednesday 13 July 2011

Day 22 - Movie: The Killing Room

I just watched The Killing Room and, well, yeah. What can I say? Weird... I like these psychological, "WTF?" type of movies but this one I think I'm going to have to watch again as I don't think I completely got it the first time...

Speaking of movies, glancing over at the shelf of DVDs at the "Hubby won't watch" section, not that they are all weird psychological stuff, we have: American Beauty; Arlington Road (quite clever); The Bone Collector; Candyman; Adaption (love it!); Cube; Hannibal (the book was really gross in parts...); Girl, Interrupted; The Gift; Taking Lives; Reeker; One Hour Photo (excellent!); a few of the Saw movies (yeah, yeah, all the same stuff) and, who can forget Hostel - now THAT is a really gross movie! Mum, if you're reading, YOU SHOULD NOT WATCH ANY OF THESE MOVIES!!!!

Oh, and how could I forget Sev7n - that was fantastic - still is one of my favourites! I love the feeling it left me with as I was walking out of the movie theatre... You know, the "What just happened?" kinda feeling. Cool!
This section also includes movies that are perfectly tame that the girls enjoy watching with me, like Step Up 1, 2, & 3; Centre Stage 1 & 2; One Last Dance; Dirty Dancing; Stomp the Yard 1 & 2; Chicago; A Chorus Line and Girls Just Want To Have Fun.

I finally watched The Social Network the other night - this was a FANTASTIC movie - and pretty good at keeping to the truth (as reported by Wikipedia anyway).

I also watched Hackers which bears no resemblance to hacking and systems security (which I am currently specialising in - and therefore am studying atm) but was done in a fun, Tron-like way so the technical ridiculousness didn't matter so much because it was a fun watch. Unlike movies such as The Net; Swordfish; bits in the remake of The Italian Job; The Matrix (but how believeable is any of The Matrix?!); and Sneakers - even though I like Swordfish, The Italian Job and think Sneakers isn't that bad technically. Of course there are tons more movies that involve technical stuff and generally portray it really badly... Annoyance plus, but you get used to it!

Enough blabbering for one night...

1 comment:

  1. Yes, I'm reading. Thanks for the warning. Now for a blog on what we people who can't stomach violence SHOULD watch.

    Loved The Social Network. Any suggestions?
