
Wednesday 20 July 2011

Change of tact...

OK, so obviously the challenge of blogging every day for a year didn't quite work out, so I'm just going back to a plain old rambling blog that I hope will be interesting to people out there, if not I'll just be talking to myself!

The girls went back to school today - and they were SO ready and SO happy to be back at school. There was great excitement in Abigail's year as there was a new girl starting this term. There was also great excitement in Leah's year because they are going on an excursion tomorrow - very exciting as it is the first excursion they are going on (they get to go by tram and everything!) The preppies are growing up - the school is taking them out in public! ;-)

So with school back (yes, they started later than other schools... it's a private school thing. You pay heaps and get more holidays... hmmm, am I missing something???) What was I saying? Oh yeah, with school back we are back in a routine - which is so good for me. I need it. I go nuts over the holidays because I don't have a strict daily routine. So girls happy to be back at school and me happy because I'm back into routine. Hubby is just working as per normal, so happy household!

Personal training tomorrow - always bloody hard work but I enjoy it and find it really satisfying and feel really good after. Hubby had training tonight and it was one of the weights programs (the other thing I like about training - different combinations of cardiac & strength each time) so I guess that's what I'll be doing tomorrow!

The new toy - Boxee - is great! We are "backing up" our DVDs onto a couple of 2TB external USB drives that will be plugged into the Boxee. Then the DVDs will be boxed up & stored (no law-breaking here!) Just to get the hang of things I put a few movies on the network to see how they worked and they are perfect - you'd swear you were watching the DVD - but with a couple of presses of a button, and no getting off the couch, you can change your mind and watch a completely different DVD! Brilliant!

Study is still going well and I'm learning so much & really enjoying it. I need to learn to code properly (again, because I have forgotten everything I leant at uni and did on the job in my early days in IT...) and so the best place to start is with C. And if you are going to learn C then you are going to need a copy of Kernaghan & Richie. There lies the problem - where's my K&R???!!!!

Well, back to the books & DVDs for me! And then a reasonably early night for once... hopefully...

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